Sunday 9 January 2011


Here are some of my videos we did over the years.
This one is called Tot's Breakfast which I made with my cousins called Joe and Oscar.


This one is a trailer for a scary film about the village were I live. It is called the curse of curtisden green.


This is an old fashioned film of me and my friends bouncing.


The last one is about me and my next door neighbour building a robot called sammy.


My favourite TV programmes are Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures. My favourite monsters are  the Slitheen, Oods, Daleks and the androids. 

FACT: millions of Daleks survived the time-war!
FACT: The Oods hind brains were removed and replaced with spheres.
FACT: The Tardis is bigger on the inside and smaller on the outside.
FACT: Cybermen do NOT have feelings.

Wednesday 5 January 2011


This is my radio controlled robot assistant called Robo friend.
He has a fishing rod in case I lose mine when I am fishing. 
He has a whisk for making vanilla cakes and other cakes. 
I made him with my girlfriend Freya.

FACT: he is very fast but he is hard to steer.
FACT: once he fell off his wheels and bits came off him.
FACT: he has a furry bumhole.


Hello welcome to Harry C Enterprises these are my pet fish. 

FACT: they do long stringy poos. 
FACT: the names of my fish are The Tetra Gang (neon tetras), Catapult (big catfish), Old Mog (small catfish), Ruby (barb), Barry (barb), Gerrard (redeye tetra), Blob (orange molly), Pongo (spotted molly) and Snowball (white Molly).
FACT: I had a toxic fugu fish that died.
FACT: before he died the fugu ate the Tetra Gang.